xeokit-sdk can load multiple models from a variety of file formats into the same 3D scene.
Supported formats (so far) include IFC, glTF, DAE, OBJ, STL and 3DXML. Regardless of where models were loaded from, xeokit exposes their objects via an abstract interface through which we can access them uniformly.
In this tutorial, you'll load several models from different formats into the same scene, then update rendering states on a couple of their objects.
In this guide below, we'll use an XKTLoaderPlugin to load the Schependomlaan house model, an OBJLoaderPlugin to load a model of a car, and an STLLoaderPlugin to load a model of a spur gear. We'll also add a scene graph Mesh to represent the green ground plane, which gets a plane shaped Geometry, which we'll create using a buildPlaneGeometry builder function.
This is a good example of a scene that contains mixed material workflows. The house is shaded using simple-but-fast Gouroud shading, the car is rendered using Blinn-Phong shading, and the spur gear is rendered using metallic/roughness physically-based rendering (PBR). Things look a little flat in this example, because we're only using simple directional lighting, without reflection or light maps.
<aside> ▶️ Run this example
import {Viewer,Node,OBJLoaderPlugin,XKTLoaderPlugin,STLLoaderPlugin,
Mesh,buildPlaneGeometry,ReadableGeometry,PhongMaterial} from
const viewer = new Viewer({
canvasId: "myCanvas"
const objLoader = new OBJLoaderPlugin(viewer);
const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoaderPlugin(viewer);
const stlLoader = new STLLoaderPlugin(viewer);
// Car loaded from OBJ
const car = objLoader.load({
id: "myCarModel",
src: "./models/obj/sportsCar/sportsCar.obj",
position: [-5, -1, 0],
// House loaded from XKT
const house = xktLoader.load({
id: "myHouseModel",
src: "./models/xkt/schependomlaan/schependomlaan.xkt",
rotation: [0, 50, 0],
edges: true
// Spur gear loaded from STL
id: "myGearModel",
src: "./models/stl/binary/spurGear.stl",
position: [-8, -1, 0],
scale: [0.07, 0.07, 0.07],
rotation: [0, 180, 0],
smoothNormals: true,
edges: true
// Ground plane, built using the scene graph
const ground = new Mesh(viewer.scene, {
id: "myGroundPlane",
geometry: new ReadableGeometry(viewer.scene, buildPlaneGeometry({
xSize: 500,
zSize: 500
material: new PhongMaterial(viewer.scene, {
diffuse: [0.4, 1.0, 0.4],
backfaces: true
position: [0, -1.0, 0],
pickable: false,
collidable: false
XKTLoaderPlugin, OBJLoaderPlugin and STLLoaderPlugin each created Entities within the Viewer's Scene to represent the models and their objects.
Each model is represented by an Entity registered in viewer.scene.models
, while each model object is represented by an Entity registered in viewer.scene.objects
We can then find the model and object Entities like this:
const carModel = viewer.scene.models["myCarModel"];
const houseModel = viewer.scene.models["myHouseModel"];
const gearModel = viewer.scene.models["myGearModel"];
const carWheelObject = viewer.scene.objects["3yjlObltnCpO3ehdiY7mcZ"];
const houseWindowObject = viewer.scene.objects["3yjlObltnCpO3ehdiY7mcZ"];
Just to get a taste of what we can do with our objects, let's hide the car wheel and highlight the window: